' How to decide harvest time for the vineyard. - VanArnam Vineyards
How winemakers know when it's time to harvest

How Winemakers Know It’s Harvest Time


Wow, summer is almost over and fall is just around the corner.  Time to start harvesting those grapes.  During these early days of fall winemakers become very focused on the grapes as they ripen.  Once the grapes reach just the right level of ripeness, they are quickly harvested because grapes do not continue to ripen once picked, so you have to get it right.

If the grapes are picked too early they can be too acidic, too tannic and will not contain the correct amount of sugar for a proper fermentation.  If the grapes are picked too late, the sugar levels will be too high which will lead to an overly sweet wine.  This is because fermentation will only go to the point where the yeast naturally dies due to the level of alcohol in the wine.

It is important for winemakers to find the perfect time for harvest.  While there is some science involved there is also a lot of experience and intuition that helps with the process.

The following is a quick guide of some of the signs that the grapes are ready for harvest:

  1. Visual Appearance of the Grapes

Winemakers look for the exact color of the grapes to know when to harvest.  The grapes may also take on different textures and levels of shininess as they ripen.

  1. Visual Appearance of the Seed Color

Winemakers also look at the seeds as a sign of ripeness.  An unripe grape will have seeds that are white or green.  When the seeds turn brown it is almost time for harvest.  Winemakers often will taste the seeds as well to ensure they are ready.

  1. The Taste of the Grapes

It is very important for the winemaker to taste the grapes.  The experience of the winemaker will determine if the grapes have just the right balance of tart and tannic qualities while also having the right amount of sweetness.

  1. The Brix Level

Winemakers use a device called a refractometer to measure the ripeness of the grapes.  Brix measures the sugar levels in the grapes and allow the winemaker to convert that to how much alcohol the finished wine will have.

So, a little bit of science and whole lot of experience goes into the final harvest decision!




Noelle Cook

Post By:   Noelle Cook